Weightlifting Belt

    Destroy your PR, not your back! The My Life Fitness Weightlifting Belt is designed to help stabilize and support your back and core and protect you from injuries and strain while you’re lifting heavy loads.
  • Promotes good form and body mechanics.
  • Maximizes your lifting strength and performance.
  • Helps prevent injury and reduce tension and stress by bracing and stabilizing your core, spine, and lower back.
  • Comfortable, easy to adjust and release velcro strap for a personalized fit.
  • Ideal for heavy lifting, including Powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting, weight training, and posture support.
  • Soft, flexible, lightweight 6” neoprene material for maximum comfort and mobility.
  • Our free PERFECT FORM ebook will help you master proper form while heavy loads
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Weightlifting Belt FAQs:

What does a Weightlifting Belt do?

-If you’re serious about getting stronger, lifting heavier with proper form, and avoiding strain and injury, you need a My Life Fitness Weightlifting Belt! Our Weightlifting Belt helps stabilize your lumbar spine and core muscles and reduce strain on the lower back during heavy lifting and intense workouts. It can also reduce the risk of hyperextension during overhead lifts by bracing your back and keeping your posture stable so you don’t twist, bend, or shift your weight.

How does a Weightlifting Belt work?

-The My Life Fitness Weightlifting Belt acts like a second set of abs that provides a brace to support your posture during heavy lifts and increase your lifting efficiency. The belt creates “intra-abdominal pressure” that cushions, supports, and protects your spine and enables it to safely handle the stress of heavy loads. It also helps reduce muscle strain and the compressive force that bears down on the spinal discs by up to 50%.


How do I wear a Weightlifting Belt?

-Position your My Life Fitness Weightlifting Belt over your navel, and fasten it securely and comfortably with the ultra-strong velcro strap. Adjust the belt to provide the desired compression, while ensuring your breathing isn’t restricted and you still have the mobility to perform the desired exercise.

How tight should my Weightlifting Belt be? T

-Take a normal breath in, then pull the belt as tight as you can make it without interfering with your breathing. Adjust as needed throughout your workout to provide the necessary stabilization for each movement.

If your My Life Fitness Weightlifting Belt is new, it may require some break-in time.

When should I wear my Weightlifting Belt?

-Any time you’re lifting, pulling, or pushing a heavy load, you should wear your My Life Fitness Weightlifting Belt. Movements like deadlifts, squats, overhead presses, bent over rows, and Olympic lifts will be executed more safely and with better form if you use your Weightlifting Belt to stabilize your form, reduce strain, and improve your performance.

Do Weightlifting Belts help reduce back pain?

-Yes. By helping to relieve the compressive force and strain on your muscles, joints, and fascia tissue, a My Lift Weightlifting Belt can help to protect you against injuries, strain, and back pain during and after lifting heavy loads.

Who should not wear a Weightlifting Belt?

  • If you don’t lift, press, or pull heavy loads, you don’t need to wear a Weightlifting Belt.
  • If you’re pregnant
  • If you have high blood pressure or conditions that can be exacerbated by intra-abdominal pressure, like a hernia.
  • If you aren’t using proper form (contact us for help refining your lifting techniques first, then graduate to heavy weights)

Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. My Life Fitness products and programs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice.

© My Life Fitness LLC 2019